about JLM

Jean Lewis Maloy has more than 35 years of experience in the fashion and interior design world. A love of fabric, texture, color and the mixology of all, has been a lifelong passion. As owner of two high end fashion boutiques in the 80’s and 90’s Jean received a reputation for her keen eye. Asked to advise on the adaptation of a classic home for a modern client, she jumped into the world of interior design seamlessly. Since the early 2000’s JLM has been designing interiors for a refined group of clients with unique tastes and direction. Her favorite projects are those involving the reworking of architectural elements to create more usable and dramatic spaces.

While she admires bespoke residential projects for discerning clients, Jean also enjoys the challenges of creating commercial environments, whether a spiritual space, industrial headquarters, or a modern communal living community.
The rules are the same…each space should be an experience. 

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